10 Best Places to Study Abroad for Engineers

Publish date: 2024-08-03

Dream of tinkering in Thailand? Want to fix a faucet in Fes? Build a bridge in Brazil? Then engineering study abroad is for you! Traditionally, science, math, and engineering majors have especially stringent graduation requirements that make study abroad all but impossible, except for shorter summer programs. But now, the times, they are a-changin', and there's never been more opportunities to find specialized study abroad programs for engineering majors!

woman tinkering in thailand

Study engineering abroad & internationalize your college experience.

We've found 10 of the best places to study abroad for engineers—including top programs to match. Classes are delivered all in English, the program offers top notch science, engineering, and math majors courses (the kind that transfer for credit from your home university), and have a heavy dose of cultural immersion to boot. So there, you CAN study engineering abroad! Here's where.

Engineering study abroad: Top locations

1. Denmark

Recommended program: Copenhagen University College of Engineering - The College of Engineering accepts about 30 students from the following U.S. universities (which it has formal exchange program ties with): Eastern Illinois University, Lawrence Technological University in Michigan, Michigan Technological University, Northern Arizona University, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, University of Houston, Virginia Tech, or Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Upon acceptance, you can take English language courses in the following departments: Electronics and Computer Engineering, Engineering Design and Industrial Innovation, Information and Communications Technology, and Building and Civil Engineering. In the University's excellent location, at the crossroads of northern continental Europe, not only can you expect a fantastic education experience inside the classroom, but the travel opportunities through both Eastern and Western Europe are right at your fingertips.

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2. Sweden

Recommended program: KTH-Royal Institute of Technology - Sweden offers free post-secondary education to all students, regardless of nationality. Coupled with the fact that this is one of the world's leading technical universities, with nearly all classes taught in English, notable alumni and faculty, plus the beauty and travel opportunities offered from Sweden's capital throughout Europe and Russia, studying abroad for a semester or academic year at the Royal Institute of Technology would be an amazing experience for any technical minded American student.

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3. Hungary 

Recommended program: Head south to find even more study abroad programs for engineering majors in Europe! Budapest University of Technology can trace its roots back to the 1700s and has a very active community of European scholars and Erasmus students who study for one or two semesters at the University. With Faculties in Architecture, Civil Engineering, Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Mechanical Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Economic and Social Sciences, as well as the Natural Sciences, and many courses offered in English, after gaining acceptance as an Exchange student, there is no lack of a diverse and quality focused classroom experience. Also, due to the low tuition and agreeable standard of living offered in Hungary, this program is one of the cheaper options available to those thinking of studying abroad in Europe.

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4. Turkey 

Recommended program: Middle East Technical University - Located in the vibrant capital of Turkey, METU is the leading technical university in the Middle East, a well regarded and respected university throughout the world, and offers one of the best study abroad programs for engineers. The university has agreements with more then 40 U.S. universities for exchange programs, so check to see if your school is on the list before thinking of applying to study abroad. Many of the faculties offer English language courses, plus there is a summer school option for those who do not wish to spend an entire semester away from their home university.

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5. United Kingdom 

Recommended program: University of Leeds - The university is similar to any large state university in the United States, with extensive and respected science, math, and engineering faculties and course offerings. The university is one of the leading research institutions in the United Kingdom and annually receives the second most applications from UK students for admission. The application process for a semester or academic year study abroad is more grueling than most, so make sure you spend the time researching the faculty and courses you are interested in.

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6. Australia 

Recommended program: University of Melbourne - Located on the southeastern tip of Australia, Melbourne is business and financial capital of Australia, in addition to being the most populous city in the country. The University of Melbourne annually ranked in the top three universities in Australia and in the top 50 universities in the world. Similar to University of Leeds, the application for study abroad is lengthy, but the faculties are top notch. You can choose from a wide variety of courses in Business and Economics, Engineering, Science, or Computer Science, among others. Melbourne is a great city to experience Australia, it is where the Australian Open is hosted and those from Melbourne are globally noted for their sports-crazed fans.

Another great program: University of New South Wales - Located on the southwest coast of Australia, the University of New South Wales is located close to fantastic beaches and the region is known to be a great jumping off point to explore the Outback. Similar to the University of Melbourne, you can enroll in a variety of faculties, including Business and Economics, Engineering, Science, or Computer Science, among others. However, the UNSW offers an interesting array of focused summer programs.

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7. South Korea 

Recommended program: Dream of finding study abroad programs for engineering majors in Asia? Look no further—Handong Global University, located on the eastern coast of South Korea, is a privately run and very well respected and competitive university in South Korea. In any given semester, 30 to 35 percent of courses are offered in English, so check to see if courses you are interested in are available in the Spring or Fall. Pohang City is a great jumping off point for low cost travel throughout Asia. The University also runs organized weekend and longer trips throughout the region for study abroad students at an additional cost.

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8. Japan 

Recommended program: Tohoku University, School of Engineering - Located about five hours north of Tokyo, on the eastern coast of Japan, Tohoku University is one of the leading technical universities in Japan. The university offers an English program as an opportunity to take science, engineering courses at the university without having to attain the Japanese language proficiency. All lectures are given in English and course credit will be given by the standards for the equivalent courses offered in Japanese. The university prefers and gives preference to students who apply to take two semesters (one-year) at Tohoku, because some classes are designed for a whole year. However, a few students can be admitted for a single semester (six months). Students stay in residential dorms and are a part of the large international student community at the school.

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9. Singapore 

Recommended program: Nanyang Technological University - A major research university with extensive Science, Math, and Engineering faculties. The application process is very focused, so make sure you are prepared. In addition, the university has one of the largest Engineering faculties in the world, so the breadth of course offerings is great, and many courses are offered in English. The university does accept students only on exchange from colleges and universities with pre-existing relationships, so check to see if your college is on the list before applying.

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10. Brazil 

Recommended program: Study engineering abroad on an island! ISA's program in Florianópolis, Brazil is one of the best study abroad programs for engineers, as it presents myriad opportunities for STEM study abroad. Students enroll at Fundação Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina (UNISUL)—classes are attended by students at UNISUL's Ilha Centro location and the Ilha Centro Dib Mussi locations, located half a mile apart in the central downtown area of the island. When you aren't masterminding your next great scheme, you can kick back with a caipirinha on the coast! (Psst—Brazil is also one of the world's best countries for engineers on the hunt for work abroad!).

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You're ready for engineering study abroad programs!

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Build something great—like an irresistible resume.

Pack your protractor and your needle point compass, it's high time you hit the skies and browse ALL of your options when it comes to incredible study abroad programs for engineering majors.

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