S03.E02: Thin Ice - 9-1-1: Lone Star

Publish date: 2024-08-20

Oh no! TK in danger! I wonder if he's gonna live...oh wait, this is Lone Star. If TK dies, who's their residential hospital patient? 

Seriously, though, TK being in danger is only MARGINALLY below Owen in danger as the Least Worrisome Character in Danger because he will be 100% fine. We have seen him injured/near death a total of four times now (the pilot when he OD'd, the shooting when he was in a coma, the episode where he was kidnapped along with Tommy/Nancy and got put in the hospital, and now this). This is all to bring him and Carlos back together, but it doesn't even work because we don't know HOW they broke up, and it's only episode two. At the end of last season, they were happy. And now, they've barely been broken up before we're supposed to care about them getting back together.

Yawn, find a new storyline for TK, because him being in danger or being with Carlos is the only two storylines he's apparently good for. Unless TK suffers permanent damage from this, it's really not gonna be that interesting. 

Now, Paul being in danger would have been much more worrisome because we all know this show has a hierarchy for each character. Owen is at the top, because Rob Lowe is the star of the show, followed by TK and Tommy, then Judd, then Carlos/Grace, then Owen's love interests, then everyone else on the team. Paul is probably the lowest on the show's totem pole so if he was in danger? I'd be more willing to buy that he wouldn't be fine. 

Paul's scenes this episode were good, probably the best out of all of them. Well, that was your one centric episode, Paul. Back to the background for you!

Poor Marjan was forgotten about. I guess we'll see her wandering around and finding Owen next episode.

Julie Benz, I adore you, but you deserve better than this show.
